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Welcome to Shadow on the Sun

Cool links to AUDIOSLAVE..if you have a link or have found something great, send it to me, I'll be happy to post it here ~~

Audioslave official site Be sure and visit the official Audioslave site
Set It Right Forum Visit this forum...IT IS THE BOMB!!!
Pacifier This is a really cool band from New Zealand, with the single "Bullitproof"..Check it out!!
Set it Right, Set it Off Really cool site, check it out!

Chris Cornell

Free search engine submission and placement services!

Stoned Pilot's site
VH1 Messageboard We need more fans posting at VH1, also:)
August Check out this new band, August, they are really great!!
The Rock New Zealand Radio, it's cool, check it out!!
Lollapalooza Gotta check out Lollapalooza!!!
Audioslave Rocks This is a really cool site, check it out!!
Ticketmaster Get your TICKETS HERE!