Audioslave Quotes
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Quotes Provided by Lauren...Thanx!!
"Avril [Lavigne] is a masterful guitarist, much like Shakira."
- Sarcasm bought to you by Chris Cornell, Channel [V] Interview.

"I've seen some young ladies crowd surfing and some horny men are taking advantage of them by grabbing certain parts of them, well I'd like to say to all of you that you have Audioslave's official permission to be a 'vigilante' and kick the living shit out of any jackass you see doing that".
- Tom, a show on the Australian tour.

"It wasn't until '96 that I really even understood Rage, because I'd heard them on the radio and I'd heard records, but I just assumed, I don't know, that they had electronics and loops and scratching. Then I saw them play and all the sounds were coming out of the guitar and it was a pretty lo-fi set up, just some pedals plugged into an amp. To the day I still don't know what he's doing, I think I've asked him a couple of times, then I think 'You know what, forget it.' I don't think even he knows!"
- Chris

A few weeks before Tom Morello reported to the seaside Casa Del Mar hotel to introduce his new band to the media, he picked up an issue of one of the magazines scheduled to interview him.
The Vines were on the cover with the words "Rock Is Back" plastered across the page. Morello chuckled. "I looked at that and I was like, 'You are in for a world of hurt if you think rock is back, because rock is about to be back in a serious way,' " he recalled.
- Tom

If you were elected president of the US, what are the first five things you would do?
"1. Paint the White House black.
2. Change the National Anthem to "Who Let The Dogs Out".
3. Bring the Bush family up before a War Crimes Tribunal--except those daughters who like to party.
4. Make sure all the girls that wouldn't date me in high school know I'm President.
5. End hunger and stuff."
- Tom

"After a while I had this system: If I wrote a line, then questioned it 'Do I really want to want people to hear me say that? Is that too personal?' That moment of fear meant I should keep it. That means it's powerful."
- Chris

You were in a band called Electric Sheep. Electric Sheep? Dude, what exactly were you thinking at that time?
"In a world of bands called Limp Bizkit and Hoobastank, Electric Sheep rolls off the tongue like a Shakespearean love sonnet. Leave me alone."
- Tom

"I would listen to any drummer who is playing on the edge. It isn't very controlled and I love that. That's what the music is all about to me: Putting yourself out on the edge, exposing yourself, and not being afraid of completely letting go in front of people."
- Brad

Have you ever... Bragged to a chick that you went to Harvard to get into her pants?
"Does that really work? I used to always play the "hey, I'm a big Star Trek fan" card, when I should've been playing the "hey, I'm a bookworm geek" card to get laid. You people know everything."
- Tom

"Sometimes I just wish I could be a fucking asshole."
- Brad

Do you deserve so much money for such simple work?
"Wait a minute, was I supposed to be getting paid for this?"
- Tom

"There are many things that are good about America... I don't know about the system. I'm very proud to be an American, there are a lot of proud traditions. Crazy Horse is an American hero, so is Malcolm X. I have fewer nice things to say about the napalmers and the lynchers and that end of America. And those are the people that tend to wave the flag a little bit more, but this is my country, too."
- Tom

How do you feel about being a sex symbol for gay men?
"I think it's wonderful. The only problem is, I've done my best to get in touch with my feminine side, and it turns out my feminine side is a dyke. So I'm stuck with women for the rest of my life!"
- Chris

"They [several hundred police] called for a boycott of Rage albums and Rage shows, and they absolutely failed. I don't know if this joke means anything in England, but in the US, the police spend a lot of time in doughnut shops drinking coffee. We sent them out 300 doughnuts, courtesy of the band. We figured if they weren't out there protecting the community, they might at least be well-fed."
- Tom

"Tall, dark, handsome, absolutely sexy, with a strange nervous twitch that could result in a possible stabbing."
- How Chris would describe himself on a blind date.

"We went to the Super Bowl, and we won. But Zack got a contract with another team, so now I just want to beat him like all the other teams... But I still hope that one of us will be a big enough man just to say, 'This is bullshit. I love you.'"
- Timothy Commerford

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